How The United Nations Gains Consumer Insights With Keyhole

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Every Woman Every Child is an unprecedented global movement that mobilizes and intensifies international and national action by governments, multilaterals, the private sector and civil society to address the major health challenges facing women and children.

Every Woman Every Child was launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Summit in September 2010.

The movement puts into action the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health, which presents a roadmap to ending all preventable deaths of women, children and adolescents within a generation and ensuring their well-being.

Every Woman Every Child - United Nations / UN for Keyhole

The Challenge

Every Woman Every Child (EWEC) is a UN initiative aimed at reducing maternal and child mortality, and improving health overall. Much of their work focuses on advocacy, and helping people to understand why the health of women and children is critical to societies. As part of this, they needed to understand who they were reaching on social media, and how they could measure the success of their strategies.

The Questions

The social media team at Every Woman Every Child was kind enough to share with us their goals on social and what they hope to accomplish with their various initiatives. A key component of effective messaging was getting a grasp on their truly global audience- Where are these people from? What devices do they use to access and engage with our content?— while also capturing and mobilizing this data so that they make effectively drive their campaign forward.

  • What is our demographic split in terms of geography, gender, sentiment?
  • Are we reaching enough men and boys as well as women and girls, and if not then how can we improve?
  • What devices are people using to access content?
  • How effective are our partnership engagements?

How Keyhole Helps

With Keyhole, Erin and Nada can track real-time data to easily assess their social media engagement. This allows them to measure the most important metrics to them, such as:

  • The demographic of people engaging with their posts and their mission
  • The effectiveness of partnership engagements
  • The geographical reach of their social media presence
  • The ways in which people are accessing their content

“In terms of users’ demographics: geographic location, gender, sentiment, Keyhole has the best balance of everything we want.”

Feature photo courtesy of Larm Rmah

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