When Is The Best Time To Post On LinkedIn?

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Though LinkedIn is a paradise for job seekers, this is also the go-to platform for B2B brands from the beginning. The professional setting of LinkedIn is great for cutting through the fluff and being direct with your audience. 

As per the latest social media statistics, LinkedIn witnessed an outstanding 22% engagement soar in 2022. It transformed with newer updates to ride the waves of video content. 

The platform also exhibits 2X conversion rates from that of other social media platforms. No wonder why more than 90% of marketers are active on LinkedIn to boost brand awareness and win leads. 

That being said, it isn’t a rosy venture. Marketing on such a promising platform requires some serious planning and strategy in place. LinkedIn will shower you with an organic reach like none other if done right. 

Sharing genuinely good content is mandatory, but posting it at a time when your target audience is actively scrolling is another underutilized hack. And this is exactly what we’ll talk about in this blog. 

Let’s see how you can amplify your LinkedIn presence with just one small twist and reap the rewards like a pro. 

Why does it matter when you post on LinkedIn?

Timing is everything when it comes to getting your content seen and engaged. Finding the best time to post on LinkedIn can make a huge difference in your campaigns’ success and your business’s growth.

Let’s say you’re a B2B company providing enterprise cloud computing solutions or POS systems. You’ve been using LinkedIn to promote your products and services, but you’re not seeing much engagement. By doing some research, you find out that your target audience (IT professionals and decision-makers) is most active on LinkedIn during business hours, especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

So, instead of posting about your products at random times throughout the day, you start scheduling your posts to go out during those optimal times. Suddenly, you start getting more clicks, generate leads, and increase conversions! By finding the best time to post on LinkedIn, you were able to get your content in front of more of the right people at the right time.

Finding the best time to post on LinkedIn is like hitting the bullseye in darts – you’re more likely to get the results you want! 

Top factors that impact the best time to post on LinkedIn

When it comes to finding the best time to post on LinkedIn, there are several factors to consider. Here are some of the top things to keep in mind:

1. Find your tribe

The first and most important factor to consider is your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your content, and when are they most active on LinkedIn? For example, if you’re targeting business professionals, they are most active on LinkedIn during business hours.

2. Study your industry

The industry you’re in can also impact the best time to post on LinkedIn. Different industries have different work schedules and habits, which can affect when people are most likely to be checking their LinkedIn feeds. For example, if you’re in the finance industry, you might find that your audience is most active on LinkedIn in the morning when they’re checking the news.

3. Consider multiple time zones 

The time zone you’re in (and the time zone of your target audience) is also an important consideration. If you’re based in New York, but your target audience is in London, you’ll want to adjust your posting schedule to ensure your content is being seen at the right time.

4. Experiment with content types

The type of content you’re sharing can also impact your best posting time. For example, if you’re sharing career advice, you might want to post during business hours when people are most likely to be thinking about their professional goals.

On the other hand, if you’re sharing industry news or thought leadership content, you might find that posting outside of business hours works better.

Make sure to also check out what your competitors are doing on LinkedIn! Take a look at their profiles and see when they’re getting the most likes, comments, and reposts. It might require some testing to determine the ideal posting time, but it’s definitely worth giving it a shot.

When is the best time to post on LinkedIn each day of the week?

Surprisingly, there are actually multiple optimal times to post on LinkedIn, depending on your target audience. Fortunately, several studies have been conducted to determine the most effective posting times for different groups of users. 

Here are some of the most influential findings:

As per Influencer Marketing Hub, consider the following timings:

  • Posting on LinkedIn on Wednesday between 8–10 AM can be effective because it’s midweek, and people will likely check their LinkedIn feeds before starting their workday. This is a good time to post informative and educational content, such as industry news, tips, and insights.
  • Thursday is another good day to post on LinkedIn. Posting at 9 AM can help you reach your audience as they check their LinkedIn feeds before starting their workday. Posting between 1–2 PM can be effective because, during the lunch break, people are likely to check their LinkedIn feeds. This is a good time to post content related to career development, such as job listings, interviews, and success stories.
  • Posting on LinkedIn on Friday at 9 AM can be effective because it’s the end of the workweek, and people are likely to check their LinkedIn feeds before starting their day. This is a good time to post motivational and inspirational content, such as quotes, success stories, and personal development tips.

SocialPilot did a similar study, and here are the main takeaways: 

  • On Monday, 11 AM is a good time to catch people checking their email and social media accounts as they start their workday. 
  • Share posts between 6 AM to 8 AM on Tuesday before people start their workday and check their social media accounts. Wednesday at 12 PM is a great time to post on LinkedIn as people usually take a break from work and scroll through their social media accounts during their lunch hour. 
  • On Thursday, 2 PM is a good time to post as people are often winding down from their workday and checking their social media accounts. 
  • Friday at 8 AM is similar to Tuesday and is the best time to draw your audience’s attention. 
  • For early birds, Saturday from 4 AM to 5 AM is a good time to catch up with those who are up and checking their social media accounts before they start their day. 
  • On Sunday at 6 PM, people usually wander down from their weekend activities and check their social media accounts before the start of the new workweek, making it a good time to post.

Digital Scholar shares their findings, and here are their best estimates:

  • The best time to post on LinkedIn is during work hours on weekdays.
  • Optimal posting times are Wednesdays from 8-10 AM, Thursdays at 9 AM and 1-2 PM, and Fridays at 9 AM.
  • Most professionals check their LinkedIn accounts early in the morning before starting their workday or during their morning break.

It’s important to keep in mind that these times may not be the best for every business or industry. To find the best time to post on LinkedIn for your specific audience, you can use LinkedIn Analytics to track your engagement metrics and experiment with different posting times.

What are the average best times to post on LinkedIn?

You don’t have to do the digging yourself – we’ve got you covered. Check out our roundup of the best times to post on LinkedIn.

How to determine the best time to post on LinkedIn?

To determine the best time to post on LinkedIn, here are some tips based on available research:

1. Analyze your LinkedIn analytics

LinkedIn provides insights into your audience’s demographics, interests, and activity. By analyzing this data, you can determine when your audience is most active on LinkedIn.

It’s important to analyze your own LinkedIn data to determine the best time to post for your business. You can access your LinkedIn analytics dashboard by clicking the “Profile” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and selecting “Analytics” from the dropdown menu.

2. Experiment with different posting times

Try posting at different times of the day and week to see what works best for your audience. Keep track of your engagement rate to determine what posting times are most effective.

Use Keyhole to schedule unlimited posts on different days and times. Check your profile analytics to find the engagement pattern and optimal time to post.

3. Compare your present with your competitors

The best way to find your optimal times to post is by analyzing your fellow competitors. Track their LinkedIn profiles and see when they are reeling in engagement. Study their LinkedIn marketing strategy and build one for yourself.

Keyhole lets you add multiple profiles under Profile Analytics. It shows the vital LinkedIn metrics and shows you a daily breakdown of engagement. Plus, you can also use the QuickTrends feature to compare your overall performance with your competitors. 

What about the posting frequency? 

The optimal posting frequency for different types of content on LinkedIn depends on the type of content and the audience you are targeting. Here are some general guidelines based on the available research:

1.  Short-form posts are the most common type of posts on LinkedIn, typically ranging from 30 to 250 words. Post at least once per business day or about 20 times per month.

2. Long-form posts are more in-depth articles that are published on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. You should aim to publish one long-form post per week.

3.  Videos are becoming increasingly popular on LinkedIn. Try posting at least one video per month. 

4.  Images are a great way to grab attention on LinkedIn. Share at least one image or carousel post per week. 

It’s important to keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and the optimal posting frequency may vary depending on your audience and the type of content you are sharing. You should also monitor your engagement metrics to determine what posting frequency works best for you.

Final words

Ultimately, finding the best time to post on LinkedIn is all about understanding your audience and their habits. By considering these factors and experimenting with your posting schedule, you can maximize your engagement and reach more of the right people with your content.

If you’re looking to optimize your LinkedIn posting strategy, consider trying out Keyhole’s free trial. With Keyhole, you can track your LinkedIn metrics, monitor your competition, and get insights on the best posting times for your audience. Sign up for Keyhole’s free trial today and take your LinkedIn strategy to the next level!

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time to post on LinkedIn for maximum engagement?

The best time to post on LinkedIn is generally mid-week, between Tuesday and Thursday, during business hours (9 AM to 5 PM). However, the exact optimal time may vary depending on your audience and industry.

2. Should I post on LinkedIn during weekends or holidays?

Generally, it's best to avoid posting on weekends or holidays, as engagement tends to be lower during these times. However, if your audience is active during weekends or holidays, it may be worth testing out posting during these times to see if it results in higher engagement.

3. How often should I post on LinkedIn?

It's recommended to post on LinkedIn at least once a week to maintain a consistent presence and keep your audience engaged. However, you can experiment with posting more frequently (e.g. 2-3 times a week) to see if it results in higher engagement. It's important to focus on quality over quantity, so make sure your content is relevant, valuable, and engaging for your audience.

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